Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas through the years...

I welcome you.

I'm amazed at how quickly time flys by and that a whole decade just flashed before my eyes.

Andrew and I just celebrated our FOURTH Christmas together!!! ( ...wait, what?! Doesn't it seem like we JUST got married?!)

Let us recap...


Our first Christmas together.
We were newlyweds, about two months along, and excited to start our life together. This was our first Christmas tree, we decorated it in about 40 seconds. Still, I loved it.♥
We were living in Redlands and both working long days. It was fun to come home to each other and dream about the years ahead...


Our second Christmas together.
This was my first REAL Christmas tree! It smelt so good. :)
We were expecting our 1st (VERY overdue) baby any day! Between being pregnant and having gallbladder surgery, I spent almost that whole year being sick, and Andrew spent it taking care of me. We grew closer together and learned that life wasn't always going to be as blissful as we imagined...


Our third Christmas.

We were living in our second place in Victorville with our little boy, Ashton. He just turned one and was walking all over the place! We loved being parents and Ashton was the cutest thing that ever happened to us. Ashton made everything in our life extra fun.


Our fourth Christmas! Our family has doubled.

(and getting a GOOD family picture has become EXTRA hard)

We're now living in our 5th place together...yes, thats alot of packing and un-packing together. :) We loved being able to bring little Aiden home and put him under our Christmas tree, so to speak. :) Our two boys mean the world to us and we feel so lucky to have them.

We have learned that life is unpredictable, but that we are blessed and have everything that we need.

2010, we are excited about you and the new surprises and opportunities that you will bring!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Hampers said...

Your Christmas tree looks awesome. Glad to see that you had a great Christmas. Your kid looks so cute.