Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I became the Primary President in our new ward a little over a month ago. It's been a lot of fun and lots of work... ANYWAY,
Our Primary hadn't been doing spotlights, which is one of the best parts about Primary, right? So, naturally I had to bring it back, so I looked online for any ideas and literally found two.
I was totally bummed because that meant I had to get creative and come up with something on my own... and who has time for that!? :) I finally came up with this and I thought I'd share it here...
(in case another Primary leader is searching the Internet for a 3rd option). :)


During closing exercises I draw a random child's name from our basket and I have all the kids stand up (I previously had them all fill out a questionaire with about 8 simple questions about themselves... their favorite primary song, game, fhe treat, color, where they'd like to serve a mission, that kind of stuff). I tell each clue one at a time and have them sit down if they know it's not them. Hopefully, by the end you'll only have your spotlight child standing, but for me that isn't always the case :) then I say "so- in -so is the Star of the day" (in the least corny way way possible)!

It turned out to be fun and easy. Just like a spotlight should be.

Inside the popcorn bag is a box of movie candy, full size candy bar, m&m's or skittles and tootsie pops. The whole thing added up to be under $2.50 each (thanks to Michaels craft store and Smart & Final candy in bulk)!!

Any one else have spotlight ideas out there??


Heather said...

you have probably already found this site..but go to sugardoodle.net they have tons of ideas. yours was super cute..good luck that is quite the load.

The Hampton Family said...

so cute stacey kay!