Thursday, April 15, 2010

A frightening sight...

My life has had some scary moments...I've seen horror movies, walked through haunted houses, heard creepy noises in the closet, I have personal ghost stories and nightmarish dreams, ---there was even a suicidal man screaming and swearing in my backyard last week (ya...cRaZy), but NOTHING is as horrifying as seeing your perfect little boy's face oozing in blood.
Poor kid slipped, fell and busted up his mouth and nose. :(
At first, I couldn't tell where the blood was coming from... but once we calmed down we were able to clean it up and figure it out (and after making sure he wouldn't die :), he finally fell asleep and I was able to stare at him and recognize the ridiculous amount of love I have for him...

...I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him.

I am sooooo glad that he's okay-- until the next scary thing happens...


Jen said...

poor boy!! That picture doesn't even look like him

Jan's Blog said...

There are always blessings to be had. No matter what happens, give thanks, and claim the blessing. How sweet to feel the enormity of your love for your child. I'm in tears with happiness for you.

Abbie said...

Awww poor baby Ashton :(