Monday, May 31, 2010

The bottom line

Even though they are a full two years apart, both my boys are now comfortably wearing the same size diaper. Isn't that craZy?
I tried to keep Aiden's bottom little for as long as I could, BUT (no pun intended) his tush kept spilling out of those tiny diapers.
It's kind-of like having twins? :)

1 comment:

Jan's Blog said...

You are too funny...and your boys are too darling. Thank you for your comment. It brought me to tears!!! I hardly know you, except that I've know you almost your entire life, but you have become so precious to me. Your Aunt Kris says I fall in love with people, with no rhyme or reason she can see. I fell in love with you and then with Lauren. I love loving matter how far.