Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day ~MAGIC~

Happy Mothers Day!

My day was incredible.

After a long and restless night full of babies in our bed, I woke up with a horrible headache and alot to do to get ready for 9am church.

My husband, in his amazing-ness, laid my towel and outfit out for me so I could easily jump in the shower while he made me the PERFECT breakfast...

(dang, I wish I took a picture of it)

it consisted of banana 'n peaches 'n cream, yum, eggs, turkey-bacon and toast.

He woke up our boys (yes, they magically both slept in today) so that they could give me their gift together.

It was, again, PERFECT.
We magically made it to church on time.

After feeding the baby, chasing Ashton around and giving the closing prayer in Sacrament, I rushed to the Primary room to set up a very busy day. During the last hour, the Young mens presidency (lead by my sweet husband) came in and took over Primary, sending us ladies off to a cultural hall full of delicious food (thank you babe for pulling that off).
(this was just one of the many different tables) We laughed and ate and enjoyed ourselves (instead of teaching our lessons--
-one of these ladies was Andrew's FIRST kiss!--She's my secretary, I love her♥) hehe.
After church, two very special boys in our Primary were baptized.
They are 10 and 11 year old brothers. They've been coming to Primary for almost 2 years, but have never been baptized because their mom isn't a member and she didn't approve.
They were baptized today because of a very special woman in our ward who got them to church every Sunday and a prompting that I was quick to act upon one night. It is quite the story and very exciting to see them finally be baptized! How can it get any better than all of this?!! does.
I have two little boys that adore me and make me happy.
A husband who makes me hand made cards and tells me he loves me everyday. :) Who takes care of me better than I deserve and whom I love deeply.
I also celebrate an amazing mother and mother- in- law --and
many other wonderful people who have influenced my life.
I am blessed and spoiled.
I hope you all feel the same way.

I love being a Mother!

1 comment:

Abbie Bluhm said...

Sounds like such a great day! I love reading your posts :)