Friday, May 28, 2010

Our song...

It wasn't long after Ashton was born that I realized lullabies really do help babies fall asleep. I experimented with different songs until I found just the right one for the two of us.
When I found it, we both knew it was the song. When he was tired and grouchy "our song" would always relax him enough to fall asleep...

So, when Aiden was born, I wanted to pick a special lullaby just for him. For weeks I tried new songs, but nothing seemed quite right. A song from the West Side Story, almost did the job, but, I didn't know all of the right words and that was very distracting to us both. :) One day, in desperation, I ended up borrowing Ashton's song...
...and that was the song Aiden chose.

Fast asleep he fell
(and it kind of made sense, Aiden loves everything his brother loves).

Yesterday, I was marveling at the magic of this song.
When Aiden is fussy in the car, I sing the song from the drivers seat and he falls asleep... When it's 3 in the morning and feeding him didn't do the trick, I put him back in his crib and sing it from my bed... he falls asleep. Of course, my favorite is when he's in my arms, looking up into my eyes, all quiet and sleepy. awww. I watch as his little eyes droop heavier and heavier until they're peaceful and closed.

I've been feeling a little sad that they have to share the same lullaby (I know, is that weird?),

but last night I realized it's not such a horrible thing.
I had Ashton in one arm and Aiden in the other, it was 10pm and my arms were getting numb, both boys were crying and obviously needed to fall asleep... I started to sing our song and within seconds they were both asleep in my arms.

If that's not magic, I don't know what is.

1 comment:

Jan's Blog said...

So Precious... For Darien it was Itsy Bitsy Spider, and I regretted that it was not more eloquent. I can't wait to see what it will be for her baby brother, due in August!