Wednesday, June 2, 2010

One year older and wiser too...

I've got 15 minutes before the laundry is done and I need to finish packing

...we are going on a 13 hour car ride and arriving here.↓


But, I couldn't leave without writing about my BiRthDay

(...and my mom's birthday...and my mother in law's birthday)!!

What kind of online journal keeper would I be?My Mom and I got pedicures... I think maybe this should become a tradition? :)

Then, we went to lunch with our boys. It was soooo delicious.

Lots of cupcakes, animal print, donuts and birthday wishes made the day happy and fun!(how ever will we eat all of these cupcakes?!!)

All three of us had a hapPy haPpy birthday!

1 comment:

JR and Summer said...

Happy belated birthday! I love your black french tip pedi!