Sunday, July 18, 2010

Someday, I'll look back at this day and laugh...

This morning I had an early meeting before church started at 9am.

I've never been a morning person, especially now that I'm awake at all hours of the night feeding babies and sleeping with children buried in my armpits --just wanted to paint a clear picture. :)

So, since my meeting started at 7:30am, I thought 6:30am would give me enough time to "sleep in" and still get ready... I showered, dressed, dried my hair, put on my make up, changed diapers and gathered my Primary stuff together. I looked at the clock and it was 7:15am. Ahh! Cutting it very close, but I could do this. I just had to pack Ashton's church bag and find my shoes!

I looked over at Ashton who had been just a little too silent. He was eating a piece of chocolate. It was now melted all over my bed... all over his bare back and somehow, all over the white skirt I was wearing?!?! I grabbed a wipe and started scrubbing chocolate off my previously bathed Sunday-ready little boy when I realized my milk was coming in, poor Aiden, :( I forgot to make time to feed him. I was going to be so, so late.

( I suddenly felt like this↑, minus the post-it notes but add a two year old)

I changed my clothes, sped fed my baby, jumped into the car and arrived at the church building only to find that, somehow, I was still the first person there! How did that happen??

It made me wonder what everyone else's morning was like? :)

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