Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our little baby monster :)

This was our 3rd ultrasound, but the first one where baby actually looks like a baby. It's still pretty early, but it's always fun to see the little peanut and hear it's heartbeat.
My favorite part is the little foot up in the air, uh, i mean uterus. :) Can you see it?


Cam and Chelle said...

Huzzah! A baby! Congrats, guys!

Shannon said...

Are you feeling better yet...or maybe I should ask is you are out of the hospital? You are such a trooper. Wish I was closer and could help you with Ashton. Good luck taking it easy.

Jen said...

It is crazy to think that such a little thing, can make you sooo sick!! You can totally see the foot and head.

Kris said...

Hi Stacey. I pray for you everyday! You are a brave girl. It is so much harder to have 'all day' sickness when there is another darling baby who walks in the house. I hope this time around it doesn't last 9 months. You deserve a break.