Monday, July 13, 2009

Snails and Puppydog Tails

I'm 21 weeks the baby is finally half way cooked!
The fun thing about being halfway done is being able to find out what kind of baby is in there.
We knew we wanted to find out, but when they told us how much it costs, I kept thinking, no, lets just use that money to buy cute girl clothes with strawberries and rainbows on them instead...since, I was SOOO sure it was a girl. :)
Anyway, as always, I'm wrong...

its a boy feet
We are very excited! Boys....boys...boys...
Now, to decide a name.....hmmmm.


Jen said...

Congrats!! Another boy!!!!! I am always wrong too!! I am sure Ashton will have a lot of fun with a little brother.

Kris said...

Ahhhh! That is so fun to know. It is worth every dime. I wish it had been an option when we were having babies. Now, as you spend the next half of oven time you will have a sense of whom you are loving. A BOY! You make 'em cute, by the way.

Sam and Janiece said...

Yeah, another boy...pretty soon you'll have your own little football team, jk.

The Hampton Family said...

I would have been happy with a boy or girl---one of each would have been the best---but we are happy for Ashton to have a little brother to play with----Congratulations beautiful momma--and to Andrew also-
love you!

Becky McArthur said...

Congrats!! At least you have everything you need. :) That's the positive thing for us going on girl number 4. Hope you are feeling well.

Cam and Chelle said...

Congrats you guys! How fun to have another boy in the house!

Shannon said...

Ohhh how fun. 2 Boys! Can't wait to hear the name you pick.