Saturday, August 29, 2009


I am surrounded by boys and all things boy. Both Andrew and Ashton are 100% boy... trucks, legos, dirt, swords, balls, boy colors, meat, motorcycles... you get it. :)

It was time to introduce something girly.

While laying in bed with Ashton one morning, he started playing with my face (I guess this is normal) and I pointed out my ears and the earrings I was wearing. I called them my "sparkles". He loved them and every morning that week he would grab my head and look for them.
It wasn't long before he was pointing and saying "sparkle" and then wanting to wear all my jewelry.
Of course I let him...who am I to deny the child? :)
I let him wear all my big chunky stuff and sometimes something extra sparkly.
Andrew usually rolls his manly eyes at me...
But it's the closest thing to girly that I'm gonna get for a long time in this house and I think its pretty.


Jen said...

Girl, I know where you are coming from. That is all I have is the boy things around me too!!

Jan's Blog said...

What a sweet story. I just live for moments like that!!!

Becky McArthur said...

Haha! That is so cute! I love that last picture of him. That's how I feel when I get all dressed up. :) I'm sure Andy just loves it! So good to see you guys the other night...even if it was only through Skype. Welp, I better get going.

Shannon said...

I feel pretty, oh so pretty...