Friday, November 20, 2009

Our special little delivery...

Aiden Lorenzo Terry

November 16, 2009
7.6 pounds
20 inches

Aiden's birth day story...
It was 29 degrees that morning and we had a list of things to check off before we left the house. We had been waiting nine very long months for this day and we wanted everything to go smoothly. After checking off our check list and one last pregnancy throw up, we were out the door and loading in to our freezing car.

We got to the hospital right at 6am. We "checked in" only to find we weren't actually on the hospital's schedule. Our Dr.'s office never quite finished following through with the whole scheduling thing, so although they confirmed us, the hospital (and Doctor) had no idea we were coming in that day.

The hospital couldn't do anything with me until my Doctor's office opened at 11am. They decided to let us wait there, which was frustrating---but I was glad they didn't send us home! We hung out for a few hours and the hospital ordered me a breakfast (yum, french toast and oranges) while we waited.

Once the hospital got a hold of my doctor's office staff, they discovered my file was lost. So, we waited some more...Until finally, the file was found in someones car. :)

We finally got started around noon. I got all dressed down into the hospital gown they gave me and my Dr. approved the decision to skip the IV since they could still use my piccline! Awesome. They gave me a cervix softener. The dosage was good for 4 hours and during that 4 hours I had 4 or 5 good contractions and then absolutely nothing happened. At the end of the dose, my nurse decided not to start the pitocin yet, but to give me another round of the 4 hour dose.

Arggghh. By now, I had already had the longest day of my life so I wasn't happy about another boring 4 hours of nothing...

BUT... within 10 mins after that 2nd dose, I started contracting (on my own---no pitocin needed)!! They were coming every two mins! Strong and steady. I was so excited that something was happening that the pain didn't bother me at all.

Well, until the back labor began about an hour later...

Luckily, by then it was 5pm and they were ready to move me into my official room, where I was able to, supposedly, get more comfortable.

My water broke soon after that. Around 6pm I decided to go ahead and get that epidural. I got it right before 7pm. Then within a half an hour I was 10 cm and ready to push!!

BUT...they made me hold him in.

What the?!

I felt like he was spilling out of me and I had to keep him in. So hard. I did my best. The Doctor got there after 8pm. I pushed three good rounds, and out came the most beautiful little person.

They put him on me right away. All white and filthy. It was amazing.
I cried uncontrollably for a good few minutes.

They checked his little body to make sure he was perfection, which he was.
All 10 fingers and all 10 toes. Then they wrapped him up all clean and warm and gave him back to Andrew and I. Everybody left the room so the three of us could be alone and just stare at each other.

It was precious time.

Aiden and I were able to come home the next evening and we are both enjoying being happy, well fed and feeling fresh and new.


Sam and Janiece said...

Ahhh...I'm so happy for you and your family! Glad that everything went well. Little Aiden has the same birthday as Romney Renner (Drew & Asia's baby) fun.

Megan said...

Congratulations!! He is beautiful!

Kris said...

I am so happy for you. He is precious. What a fortunate little boy to be sent to your family. He will be cherished and taught the gospel and grow up to hold the priesthood. I can't wait to meet him.

Anonymous said...

what a beaytiful baby boy! congrats to you both i love to hear birth stories....oh and you look amazing in your hospital pics, man i looked like a beast women

Jan's Blog said...

He is so beautiful. You are so blessed!