Saturday, December 12, 2009

Twice as nice...

Waking up everyday at the crack of sunlight, he immediately jumps out of bed and asks for soda... He loves Eggo waffles for breakfast and cheez-whiz for everyother meal.
He hates wearing pants, but loves wearing shoes and socks.
Some new words this week are: Alpaca, arm, Coral, broken, Santa and why?
He loves to be outside.

He loves helping Grandpa in his garden.

He falls asleep with a leg tickle and a verse or two of our special song.
The best part of his day is going "bye-bye" in the car with his daddy.

He loves pirates, carousels, guitars, trucks and balls.

He NEVER leaves home without a stuffed animal, preferably a tiger.

Affectionately known as "doot", "bunny", "buddy", "honey", "dootch", or "bubba",
he's our Ashton...

...and yesterday he turned two years old!
Happy 2nd birthday, Ashton!!!
He blew out 1 of his two birthday candles and he was thrilled to open his gifts! Squeals and jumps made it very clear that he loved all of his presents.
Of course my favorite gift was from his Grandma (Andrew's mom and artist extraordinaire)...

She picks a favorite photograph of each grandchild and draws their portrait for their birthdays!! Amazing, huh?!? :)

It was fun celebrating the birth of my adorable little boy...
I wish he could stay small forever.
BUT, since he can't, I just hope that the two's aren't too terrible!


Kris said...

Ahh, I thought he looked older today! What a cutie. Alpaca???? What is the story behind that word being in his life?
What a great gift from Grandma! The painting is wonderful.

Cam and Chelle said...

Cute cute cute cute cute! Love all the updates! Congrats on Baby Aiden finally arriving! Happy Birthday to Ashton! Wow! You've had a lot going on!!