Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rub a dub dub

Aiden loved his first bath! Not even a peep came out of his sweet little baby mouth. I was amazed.
I thought all babies hated their first baths! The cold air and the strange new feeling of being half immersed into water. Andrew reminded me that all babies are different and it is quite possible that nothing was wrong with our child.
That makes it a family tie: Andrew and Aiden love a good bath... Ashton and I avoid them at all costs! :)


Kris said...

Aiden and I are soul mates then. Only he is cuter.

Jan's Blog said...

How very darling the photo with Santa. For the next few years the sants photo will mark the growth of your darling little family.
Merry Christmas to all of you...
Jan and Darien