Thursday, February 18, 2010

The birthday boy♥

Andrew turned 30 this week!

He was born at 12:05a.m. SO, obviously, I had to stay awake until the exact time of his birth so I could put his birthday gift out and see him at the exact moment he turned 30.

Then, we woke up together and started off the morning by watching the news?! What? So old...

Then, he spotted his present across the room and wanted to open it right away. :)
We filled up the rest of the day by watching a 3D movie, playing with our boys, buying diapers, singing "happy birthday" with his parents, eating chocolate cake and having a delicious lunch where we ate fancy adult food like this...

The day proved that 30 year olds have it pretty good...

Happy birthday, sweetheart! I can't imagine my life without you and I can't wait to spend the next 60 birthdays with you...

1 comment:

Kris said...

Happy birthday to a great guy!