Friday, February 12, 2010


Last Sunday was a very special day...
We dressed our baby up in white, clipped a special "I'm a child of God" clip onto his outfit (courtesy of Aunt Rachel and Uncle Zak) and wrapped him up in a special blanket, handmade by his GREAT Grandma.
We headed to our church building, where we were greeted by some of our favorite faces in the whole world...Our parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and several aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and great friends were all there to share Aiden's special blessing day.

Aiden was able to blessed by his daddy. It was a very sweet moment. His blessing was beautiful and as I listened to wonderful gifts and promises in store for him, I was reminded how lucky I am to be his mom. ♥
After the blessing, we had a delicious lunch at my parents house and celebrated the adorable baby boy.
Here he is with his great grandma(the one who made the beautiful blanket)!Aren't they beautiful?

...and here he is enjoying his party, although he did sleep through almost all of it.

It was a wonderful day and we are so BLESSED to have Aiden in our family.

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