Monday, February 8, 2010

Slip, sliding away...

We have had some crazy rain storms here these last few weeks. The harder the rain poured down the more I became aware that I needed new shoes... a pair that would protect my feet, and socks, from the puddles all around me.

I ventured out to a nearby thrift store, with ten bucks in my pocket and the hope that I would find at least one decent pair.
Of course, I found about 20 pairs of cute shoes that day. Isn't that the way it goes when you're broke? :) So, I had to narrow it down. There were strappy ones, slip-ons, and shoes with beads and jewels on them, but I kept my eye on the prize, reminding myself that I came for water proof. water proof. water proof.
Finally, I settled on this pair of boots... cute, good condition, extremely comfy, solid with a strong grip underneath and rain friendly. They had all the right features with some extra perks, but the best part?!? Only $2! I was sold.
So, I wore them, once, on a perfectly sunny day and enjoyed them. Then the rain came, again. We were stuck indoors and Ashton was driving me crazy. He started begging me for chocolate. I'll admit. I wanted some too, plus the thought of getting out of the house for a minute sounded nice, so a quick trip out for a candy bar was worth a little rain. Before I loaded Ashton into the car, I quickly changed out of my warm knitted house slippers and into these...

My ten year old, worn out, beach sandals.

I was at the grocery store within 3 mins. I unloaded Ashton from our car, flung him on to my hip, covered our heads with my sweater and headed straight to the candy aisle. I picked a butterfinger and he picked a kitkat bar, we paid our $2. and headed back out to the rainy parking lot.

I immediately stepped off the curb and into a puddle. I felt my foamy shoe absorb a gallon or so of water, but with Ashton on my hip and the rain pouring, I ignored it and kept heading toward our car. I saw the big puddle coming up so and I tried avoiding it with great care, only to step on the outer edge and somehow lose my balance! I blame the slick torn up bottoms of those slippery sandals, but I don't exactly know what happened, I was trying to figure it out when I was a few inches in the air and heading toward the ground. :) I protected Ashton, as best as I could, and landed somewhere between my tush and my hip. While laying on the wet ground, I heard a few nice people ask if we were okay, I looked around to see where they were, but I was so disoriented I couldn't see anyone. Maybe I made them up... I don't know. Ashton was confused too and worried, "awwww...mommy!!?" he said as I pulled us off the floor... when you're two, "awwww... mommy" means "what the heck just happened, mommy?!" trust me, I heard it in his voice.

Yes, It was a high price to pay for a bite or two of chocolate that day, but I learned a very important life lesson:
When you buy something because you need it...use it!! :)


Roma said...

Your blog is great, you have a cool family. Hugs from Chile.

* said...

Wear your boots, they are cute and they are Harley Davidson, which means expensive. I bought some Harley Davidson thong sandles and payed $50 about 8 years I'm sure you fell with style, hope you are ok.