Tuesday, March 23, 2010

100 lies...

On talk radio last week, they announced the results of a new survey that showed parents lie to their kids over 100 times a year!! They focused on the top ten lies...

1. I always paid attention in school.
2. There’s no such thing as a favorite child. All of you are my favorites.
3. Sorry, the playground is closed today.
4. Cuddles the Hamster went to live on a nice farm. Yes, the same one where your goldfish went.

5. I have Santa Claus’s cell phone number on speed dial. Do you want me to tell him how you’re acting?
6. Whoops, the KidzBop CD is in Dad’s car and he already left for work.
7. “SpongeBob” isn’t on this week. And the DVD player is broken. And the cable is out.
8. Of course I wore to work today the macaroni necklace and bracelet you made me.
9. Daddy is allergic to cats/dogs/birds/reptiles.
10. I never took drugs.

So far, I'm proud to say, I haven't used any of these lies. :)

# 8 makes me sad, I would wear it with pride... but #2 is the one that interested me the most. Andrew and I are always trying to get our parents to tell us who their favorite child is...hehe. Sometimes we work them really good, but they always tell us they "don't have favorites", now we know its such a lie! :)
(p.s. it's totally obvious that I'm one of their favorites)

1 comment:

Jan's Blog said...

How very fun this is. I'm afraid I've used "11"...my all time favorite...I'm ashamed to admit.
When Darien picks up something in a store that she wants and I don't want to get it for her (she has tons of everything and doesn't need much more)
I tell her it's broken. She puts it back and off we go. I'll apologize to Darien when she has a 3 year old and doesn't want to hassle with saying no to buying something.