Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Andrew has wanted this to happen for a long time. :)

Whenever my hair badly needs a change I always stay safe and usually prefer to go darker... but this time, when my husband recommended some yellow, I listened... mostly, because I am a such a GREAT wife, but also because I'm quite fond of his opinion. :)

Blonde I became.

I think you can really notice outdoors....

It's been a little weird to get used to, but I'm glad I did it. It was a fun and much needed change!!


Jan's Blog said...


Sam and Janiece said...

It looks so cute! I love it.

.Stacey. said...

Hello, I found you on the "next blog" option, hope you don't mind.

First of all, I LOVE your name :)

Second, your boys are to cute. When was Aiden born? I have a son who was born dec 13th!

Third, the blond really suits you!

Jen said...

love the hair it looks great!!

Anonymous said...

you look so great this color! did my sister do it? either way it really compliments your skin tone!!!

Cam and Chelle said...

Love the Blonde! Your boys are getting BIG! And super cute, too!