Wednesday, May 19, 2010

6 months of clean towels...

Here's our story...I spent the eve of Aiden's 6 month anniversary in misery. So sick that I couldn't help but be reminded of what it felt like to be pregnant with the little rascal a long 6 months ago. I was unable to sleep and barfing non- stop, but this time I wasn't sure why.
I questioned everything... what did I eat, who did I touch, what am I stressing too much about, am I pregnant, what does my body need, what did it get too much of?!!! :) It was a lot and probably making me more sick. AH! So confused... I finally put together the numbing cashew allergy from the day before... duh.

...But, it wasn't duh, because the next day everyone else got sick too- just like I had! Ashton started vomiting, Andrew came seconds later and right before midnight, little Aiden joined the crowd.

It was a long night and there was vomit EVERYWHERE. My bed was covered. It soaked through the pillows. Every towel was used as a barrier, buckets were full and 7 outfits were sacrificed! I was thrown up on four times.
The first time, I was disgusted. The second time, really inconvenienced. The third time I cried, :( but by the fourth time, I was literally laughing. :) It became a crazy house!

There was a total of 42 throw ups at the end of the day. I was tired. I was dirty. My skin smelt like throw up, but more than anything I was worried about my boys.
It was around 10pm when all of them were finally sleeping. I felt a huge relief, it was OVER! --or so I hoped.

I was finishing up the 8th load of laundry when little Aiden woke from his sleep to throw up, again. I decided I couldn't let his little body go through this another night.

I put on my shoes, kissed my sleeping boys goodnight and drove to the hospital.

Aiden and I spent 6 hours in the waiting room that night. We were both wide awake and surrounded by many other worried and miserable people. We people watched and talked to a few sickos. :) Then, I finally worked up the nerve to feed him, nervous that he'd throw up on me and in front of everyone in the waiting room... but my boy did me proud! It was the first food he kept down all day! I was very excited about that and finally being seen by the ER Doctor, at 6 a.m.

We ended up being there for 11 hours, but by the time we were sent home, I knew he felt better and we were ready.

It was quite an exhausting experience and definitely not how I imagined celebrating Aiden's 6 months of life, but I got my appetite back and finally some sleep so, (I feel good enough to end on a positive note) :)...what a great way to remember that life is fragile, there are opposites in all things and that we need to appreciate our bodies in all their glory and in their misery.

Now, lets all NOT throw up for awhile... :)


Kris said...

Oh, honey that is a frightful situation. Worse than the spider!
Aiden is precious! What a cute photo.
You didn't say what they did for you in the hospital. ??

Jen said...

I am glad that you guys are all better. I do think it is funny that you count how many time everyone throws up though!!