Friday, May 7, 2010

♫Who are the people♪ in your neighborhood?♫

♪They're the people ♫that you meet when you're walking down the street, ♪they're the people that♫ you meet....each day! ♫
-Sesame Street
Meet Darnell.
He makes Thursdays extra special in our neighborhood.
Thursday is TRASH DAY
...and Darnell happens to be the BEST trash truck driver in the land! :)
When we hear his truck coming up the street we run outside and Ashton waits for him. Darnell sees Ashton, waves and honks his giant horn!! He makes the experience extra magical for my truck obsessed two year old!
Thank you Darnell for making Thursday Ashton's favorite day of the week!

1 comment:

Abbie said...

That is the cutest thing ever! haha Truuuuuh! :)