Saturday, June 12, 2010

Growing up, uP, UP!

Two very exciting things have happened in my children's lives this week...The first:

Say goodbye to the baby car seat, Aiden. You are far too big for that infantile thing. Now, you have room to stretch out those adorable toes and look forward as your brother tries to steal toys from you. :) The second:

Ashton finally got his very own bed!
For so many reasons, it has taken a very long time for this to happen. :(
But finally the time has come!

Night one, a full 5 hours were slept here.
Night two, the whole night (after falling asleep in our bed and being transfered).
Tonight is night three, we'll see how it goes.
Thank you Aiden for being a good baby and always sleeping in your crib.


Kris said...

Ahh, Aiden is growing up fast. He is so cute. What a sweet sleeping photo.
Ashton in his own big boy bed? That will change your life! But not as much as when they begin to walk!! Ykes.

Cam and Chelle said...

Awesome, awesome awesome! They are both growing up so fast!

Jan's Blog said...

These are truly two big steps. Sounds like a good reason for a party!!!