Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The tale of the candy corn candle.

Many years ago, on a cold Christmas morning, a girl sat in her pajamas near the Christmas tree. She held in her hand a beautifully wrapped gift with her name on it. She waited her turn to open the gift.
Her turn arrived and she peeled back all the wrapping and tissue to reveal the extraordinary gift.

A candle.
But not just any candle... THE candle.

A candy corn scented candle!!!

This girl was very pleased.

In the beginning, the girl would smell the candle everyday. It's delicious sweet fragrance brought her so much joy!
She imagined burning the candle, but ultimately the thought of it melting away into nothingness devastated her. So, it was concluded that the candle must never be burned... that way she could enjoy it's scent forever.

She held on to the candle for many years. Smelling it, then covering it back up and safely putting it away.

Time passed and she was now a mother with children, living in a new place. Most of her things boxed up and stored away, due to lack of space... and her candle was no exception.

One day, while searching through her boxes and staring at her lifeless, packed away things, she found her candle! She realized now, as she looked at her things just sitting there, that the candle would bring greater joy if she would finally bring it in the house and burn it.
Excited about her change of heart, she went to twist open the lid, but a horrible thing happened.
It was stuck. Extremely stuck.
Rusted together by the weather and rain.

She tried and tried to open it... thinking how ironic it was that NOW it was stuck, a great feeling of waste came over her. The once perfect gift now meant nothing if unopened.

She was about to give up...
but with a final twist, bang and squeeze the lid came off!

The girl rushed into the house, found a match and wasted no time burning the candle and enjoying it at last.

...and the room was filled with the glorious smell of sweet candy corn.

The end.


* said...

Very cute story, It sound like me. I always want to buy candles but never want to burn them because then they would be gone. Then when we moved I finally realized how many I really had and have been trying to burn them so I could buy more.

Kris said...

YippeekyOh! What a great story. So, does that mean you will serve dinner on china now?