Sunday, July 4, 2010

A new arrival

Welcome to the world!
...and congratulations to Bradley and Jammie!
She doesn't have a name yet... three names are being debated.
She is either Alice, Daphne or Layla.
She was born July 3rd at 11:52 am and weighed 9 pounds and 1.8 oz. She is adorable, as you can see.
She broke her clavicle bone being delivered so she went straight to the NICU and hasn't been held yet- not even by her mommy or dad. :(

But her mommy and daddy visit her and can touch her little hands.

They adore her as do I.


She has a name!!!

♥Daphne Belle♥


Jan's Blog said...

I feel so silly asking... who does she belong to? I'm so sorry to have to ask...isn't that awful. I guess my brain is just out of the loop. Contrats to whoever she belongs to. She is absolutely adorable.

Kris said...

This is the first photo I have seen of Daphne although I have been praying for her since she was born. The 2 problems she had could have been so much more serious. We were really blessed. She is a miracle girl and a beautiful on to boot!