Friday, August 24, 2012

Why, hello there!

I've been gone for SOOOO long! I don't even know where to start... 

Im going to try to catch up, so I can move forward from here on out! :)
So, since we last spoke, my little family has settled into our new life here in Utah! We survived our first real "Winter" and actually moved into our own place whilst snowing, no better way to jump into it, right?  :) 


We said good bye to our Audi that brought us here to Utah then died on us 2 days later....  and just recently bought a new car! Yesssss!! Can you say "freedom"!?! LOVE IT!! 
Sure, somebody just backed into us this week, but still....  
(Heres a picture, she's the pretty victim below)

We moved up here for Andrews new job at Vivint, which he loves. 
No more trucking across the country, (now, that deserves its own post) BUT short and simple, I LOVE that he is now home with us every day and every night!
(Ashton in Andrews work clothes)

We also added a few new adorable family members...

Baby Max 
(belongs to Nic and Jeanette)

Baby Faye 
(belongs to Abbie and Brady) 

(belongs to Philip :)

 ...and two very special babies who didn't get to stay with us very long, 

James Whitney
(Belongs to Bradley and Jammie)

Sadie Kay
(belongs to Andrew and I)

As you can see our hearts have been very busy being FULL of happiness and heartache these last several months.

But Im adjusting to all the major changes and I'm finally ready to get back to normal!? Whatever that is.... 
So, I'll see you again on here soon!
Maybe tomorrow, even. :)


Jan's Blog said...

How wonderful that you are back. I can't wait to hear more about your darling little family. I'm so glad you are happy in Utah. I can't remember for sure but it seems like you have some family there... I know that 3 of the Horton children live there. Can't wait for your next post... love and hugs, Jan

Melissa said...

All my love for you and your family! I love that you are in Utah and doing your own thing, and I'm so happy Andrew gets to be home more! I wish I lived closer so we could do more together. Love and Miss you, Melissa

P.S. Oh, you should look for Emily. She doesn't live too far from you