Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An extra ring around my trunk

So, last year I called one of my best friends on her birthday and said"Happy 25th birthday!!!" To which she said,"um, you know I'm the same age as you, right?"

Of course I knew that....wasn't I 25?

So confused....that's the day I found out I was 26.

I enjoyed being 26 for a few months, until yesterday, when another birthday came and made me 27! :)
It was a fun day and I felt spoiled from the start.
In the morning, Andrew took Ashton away and let me sleep in (till like, was heaven!), my mom came over and took me to lunch... she always lets me choose, even though its her birthday too. We went to the Olive Garden, where we ate bread sticks, endless salad and chicken parmesan. Then, we picked up our favorite chocolates at See's Candy and ate them all...oh, well I did. :) Andrew and I rented a movie I've been wanting to see. My nurse came to clean my picc-line and make it beautiful. I got new king size pillows for our king size bed and I ended the day just laying on those comfy pillows and watching my fun cousin pet a tiger and refuse to pole dance on the tv show he's on...Paris Hiltons New BFF.
The best part was celebrating the day with two of my favorite people... My mom and mother-in-law who both share my birthday-day. June 2nd is a great day to be born and it's nice to know what age you are!


Cam and Chelle said...

You're so young still! Happy Happy Birthday, friend! Reads like it was a good one, so glad you got to sleep in!!

Shannon said...

HaPpy BiRtHdAy! Yummy salad and breadsticks sound great right now. We missed you at Lauren's shower, but I know you feel yucky and it's kinda far for you, just know you were missed.

Sam and Janiece said...

Happy Birthday (belated!) Yah, scary when you start forgetting how old you really are...I'll be 28 soon...yikes!

Kris said...

Happy Birthday, belated!
You look beautiful. Only getting a peek at you and your boys today was just not enough! I miss you.