Monday, November 2, 2009

i'Ve pUt a sPell On yOu....

I'm takin a coffin' break to post some Halloween pictures... Our little pirate loved his costume. "yo-ho" is what is would say when he wanted to wear his hat or eye patch. He wore it for several days around the house...
We were able to spend the evening with both Grandmas (and Grandpas --not shown). Grandmas always make holidays more fun. We trick or treated and were quite impressed with the festive houses. Projection screens showing scary movies in the yards, haunted houses to go through, full size candybars and smoke machines! Wow! Cool neighbors.... I apologized to all the strangers when Ashton ran inside their homes as soon as they opened the door to us trick or treaters. Our lil pirate collected alot of treasure (of course the chocolate was his favorite).
Check out his loot!
It was a Boo-tiful night!


Jan's Blog said...

I put Darien down for her nap before opening your blog...and it's a good thing (LOL). What fun you've all had, and I mush say Stacey that you look like you are truly happy as a wife and mother. I envy you that!!!

Love to all, Jan

Shannon said...

Great costume on your little Ashton, and nice touch with the family eyes. I miss you.

Cam and Chelle said...

So so cute! Looks like Ashton had a blast!!

Kris said...

Fun to have a family costume theme going on. You are a creative little momma.