Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Andrew and I are one week into our new workout regime P90X. It's a 90 day workout program with 12 different workouts and we are sweating through them everyday and enjoying a completely new diet of low carbs, high protein, no sugar and fruits & veggies.
It's been one week and we can already see and feel BIG results!

Andrew has lost 5.5 pounds and I have lost 4!

We are actually enjoying all the salads and water our bodies are taking in.

I will put up "before" and "after" pictures after the 90 days!

(If I feel brave enough to let you see my before picture)

...as Tony Horton says, "Do your best, forget the rest"!


Jan's Blog said...

You are truly courageous. I can't wait to see the before and after pictures. You'll be a whole new couple!

Sam and Janiece said...

Awesome work you 2! I can't wait to see before and after pics. 3 more months and I'm going on a diet! :)