Saturday, May 8, 2010

Full steam ahead!

An old steam engine built in 1927 came into town today to celebrate the bicentennial of the San Bernardino Railroad. The whole day was a train celebration, but this train was making a grand entrance and only coming once. Andrew and Ashton stood only feet away as the train came chugging by...It's possible the whole city was there, incuding the mayor who rode in on the train. He came down to put on a skit recreating a little piece of 1920's history...

It was everything 2 train lovers could hope for.
For more information on this particular steam engine, you can go to:

why wouldn't you? :)

1 comment:

Abbie Bluhm said...

:) This looks like so much fun! I bet Ashton had the time of his life!! You and Andrew are such good parents!!