Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Child's Prayer...

Lately, we've been really good at reading our scriptures and having daily prayers together as a family, so Ashton has has learned alot of important and adorable things...

He has learned how to fold his arms, close his eyes and say "Amen"! He loves when it's his turn to say the prayer which usually consists of saying every ones name.

He's recognizes pictures of Jesus. Even pictures he's never seen before and he LOVES to get his own scripture book out to read when Andrew and I read ours.

It's adorable and I've been soooo happy about it. He just learned on his own how to be amazing.

Isn't he basically the best child ever? Yes. The answer is yes. :)


christensens said...

I admit it. I found you through Charis. I blog stalked you. Though I don't know if it counts. 8th grade bffs can still check eachother out right? You're blog is fun and i look foward to reading more about your cute lil' family. You're boys are adorable.

Rachel said...

What an adorable and smart kid! I can tell that you're a great mom by the cool things your kiddos are doing!

Chandana said...


Nice blog.

Here's a blog that will provide for your spiritual needs.

This blog has messages from the Holy Scriptures, taught by the Spirit of GOD.
These will teach us how to have GOD in all the aspects of our lives and allow GOD's rule over every matter.

Have a blessed reading.

God bless you.

Jen said...

hey Stacey I got this AD twice, it makes me mad that they put it on here. I won't let them put their free ads on my blog!!!