Monday, October 15, 2012

Star Light, Star Bright....

Last night, Ashton and I did our normal bedtime routine. We read a book about trains and said our prayers, I tickled his leg and he asked for a drink of water.  :)
 When I came back with his batman sippy cup, he said "Mom, will you sing me a song?" So cute! Yes. I came up with "When you wish upon a star". After the song, I held back the spiderman window coverings and told him that he could make a wish on the star right now! He looked out the window and outloud said, "I wish I could have a car when I grow up".  :) I chuckled inside and then our conversation went like this...

Ashton: Mom, what else can I wish for?
Me: That was a great wish, and next time you can wish for a special toy you want... or to feel better when you are sad or sick... you can wish to see someone who is far away...
Ashton: (pulling back the window coverings) I wish to be a worker, a policeman and a firefighter when I grow up!! :)
Me: Thats ALOT Of things you want to be when you grow up! 
Ashton: Ya, I want those 3 kinds of cars when I grow up, mom.

Haha, SO CAR oriented... Such a boy!
 But, I was happy to hear his sweet carefree little boy wishes and dreams. 


Anonymous said...

hahah ashton!! he is such a sweet and smart boy. Thanks for sharing that. so funny and cute!!! xox Rachel

Jan's Blog said...

Absolutely precious!!!