Saturday, December 29, 2012

For Christmas Aiden got STITCHES!!

We had a wonderful Christmas!
For Christmas, our boys asked for these adorable costumes they saw at Toys R Us. There were many professions to choose from, but it was very clear that Ashton wanted the Police Man one and Aiden wanted to be the Doctor.

(It was the least I could do for these very "GOOD" boys this year. :)

So, Christmas morning was full of squeals and happy sounds as they opened up these and other beloved gifts. 
Aiden became a very serious Doctor when the costume came on and he and Ashton kept their costumes on the WHOLE day... 
And yet, it seemed very ironic when a few hours later, when Aiden had to be rushed to the Hospital for stitches! :( Poor kid was running around with excitement and fell, landing his head right on a door hinge. :(
 The Hospital staff thought he was adorable (of course) in his little scrubs and I wish I could've caught on video the Dr talking to Aiden like a a colleague and sharing stethoscopes and medical advise. :)
 While Aiden was getting his 4 stitches, the Dr. commented how Aiden was the BEST patient he had ever stitched up, and he was amazed that Aiden didn't cry or move an inch! Right then, Aiden smiled and said "it tickles" and they room burst into laughter and the Doctor replied, "Ive never heard that one before".  :) 
This little guy has a way of making every moment fun and sweet. Even the scary, -not so fun -hospital on Christmas morning- moments. :) 
I love my little Doctor!
 And he's back to feeling just like his old self!

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